2018/10/30 > 2018/10/31

Barolo & Friends on tour on the Baltic Sea

On October 30th-31st 2018, I Vini del Piemonte returns to Helsinki and Tallinn for two tasting events addressed to sector professionals and wine lovers.


In order to give the Piedmontese wine producing companies the opportunity to strengthen or start new business relationships in Finland and Estonia, I Vini del Piemonte is organizing, for the third consecutive years, two legs of the Barolo & Friends Event in the Baltic capitals. Here, in fact, we can find two middle-small markets which are constantly growing and extremely important for the export of quality wine.

The first stop will be on Tuesday October 30th 2018 in Helsinki, the Finnish capital, at the historical Vanha Ylioppilastalo. On schedule there is a Walk Around Tasting divided into two sessions: the first is addressed to the monopoly representatives and to the sector professionals (importers, dealers, ho.re.ca system, journalists, etc.) carefully profiled and selected on the basis of a real interest towards Piedmontese companies, while the second session will be dedicated to the public of local wine lovers, highly selected through the wine clubs.

During the session open to consumers a competition will offer to the participants the chance to win a stay in the Monferrato.

There will also be a food area, managed by Roiniset Oy, that will offer Piedmontese specialties for tasting.

PROGRAM Barolo & Friends Event Helsinki, October 30th 2018:

11.00 / 14.00 >> “Walk Around Tasting” reserved for trade sector
12.30 / 13.30 >> Master class* reserved for trade sector: “Light as a feather or strong as oak: the elegance of Nebbiolo”

14.30 / 18.30 >> “Walk Around Tasting” open to consumers
14.30 / 15.30 >> Master class* open to consumers:”Barbera & Nebbiolo: the heart and soul of Piemonte”
16.45 / 17.45 >> Master class* open to consumers: “Barolo, Barbaresco and Roero great vintages”

(*) All the Master Class will be hosted by Davide Pasquero

The following day, Wednesday October 31st 2018, the Barolo & Friends Event will move to Tallinn, the Estonian capital, at the House of Blackheads.

PROGRAM Barolo & Friends Event Helsinki, October 31st 2018:

13.30 / 14.30 >> Master class reserved for trade sector, hosted by the wine journalist Tanel Eigi: “Barbera & Nebbiolo: two grapes, many great appellations
14.30 / 18.30 >> “Walk Around Tasting” reserved for trade sector

16.30 / 18.30 >> “Walk Around Tasting” open to consumers

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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