
Piedmont in Geneva for “Evénement tricolore: l’excellence du savoir-faire franco-italien”

Tuesday, November 6th 2018, an event dedicated to the excellences of the two countries, on the theme of luxury.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland and the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie France-Suisse is organizing a gala dinner reserved for the respective associates, to celebrate the tourist and gastronomic excellences of Piedmont and the French region Dordogne-Périgord.

The event, scheduled for Tuesday, November 6th 2018, from 18.30 to 21.30, at the legendary 5-star luxury hotel Le Richemond, will be the first edition of an initiative that aims at being repeated every year in the same period. Each year, two different regions, representing the two countries, will be protagonists.

The theme chosen for this first edition is luxury, and for this reason Italy will be represented by products like Barolo and the White Truffle of Alba. In particular, the event will involve the consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte, which will propose a tasting of wines of the Piedmontese producers to a public of some 150 Italian and French guests, members of the Chambers of Commerce of their countries. Also the Tourist Board of Alba Bra Langhe Roero, the Board of the International Aba White Truffle Fair end the Bocuse d’Or Italy Academy will join this event.

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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