
Basel: a new Swiss stop for the Barolo & Friends Event

The consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte organized a new event in Basel, in the German Switzerland.

Located in one of the most productive and vibrant region of the Confederation, on the intersection of three countries, Switzerland, France and Germany, the Basel area is extremely dynamic and the interest for the wines of Piedmont is very strong: this is why the consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte has chosen this city, less packed with events than Zurich, for the last Swiss leg of the Barolo & Friends Event.

The event has been organized in cooperation with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland on Thursday, June 29th 2017 at the historical Schloss Binningen, an ancient Middle Age castle that today hosts a hotel and a restaurant and is also used as location for events and receptions and it consisted in a single session, a “Walk Around Tasting” addressed both to the sector operators (especially importers, ho.re.ca, journalists, sommeliers etc.) and to consumers and two Master Classes dedicated to Piedmontese wines.


h 15.00-16.00 >> Master Class reserved for industry operators, led by the producer Maurizio Rosso: “Piemont ist nicht nur Barolo: eine Entdeckung der kleineren Rebsorten” (“Piedmont, not just Barolo: the discovery of the smaller vines”)

h 16.00-20.30 >> “Walk Around Tasting” open to consumers and industry operators

h 18.00-19.00 >> Master Class addressed to consumers, led by the producer Maurizio Rosso: “Die Kunst der Winzer: sieben Winzer interpretieren piemontesische Weine” (“The art of the vine grower: seven producers interpret Piedmontese wines”)

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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