2017/04/26 > 2017/05/01

I Vini del Piemonte guest of honour at “Arvinis”

From April 26th to May 1st, 2017 the consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte has been hosted in Arvinis, the most important Swiss wine fair.

The participation of the consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte at the 22nd edition of Arvinis, prestigious Swiss fair dedicated to wines coming from all over the world, has been a great occasion of promotion for the entire region. The fair was held, for the first time, at the Centre de Congrès of Montreux, with some 20,000 visitors, mainly coming from the Swiss cantons. The fair featured more than 200 exhibitors who brought at least 5,000 wines, coming from the five continents, to taste.

I Vini del Piemonte was in a 60-square metre-stand, where the wines of the producer members of the association who attended the initiative, has been presented and served for tasting. In the “Piemonte” area there was also a wine bar, where visitors found all the wines from winehouses who attended the fair for at least one day.

The initiative has been a great occasion to promote the entire wine travel sector and so it was particularly interesting also for those companies with an accommodation facility.

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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