
Record number of public at the 8th edition of Barolo & Friends Event in Copenhagen

On June 3rd 2016, the most important tasting event in Denmark outdid itself with 1,300 participants between trade and public.

It was an unprecedented success that of the 2016 Barolo & Friends Event which, for the eighth year in a row brought hundreds of enthusiasts and sector professionals to taste the wines of some 40 Piedmontese producers in the elegant halls of Børsen in Copenhagen. At the end of the three sessions, 1,300 were the people hosted in the historic palace in the heart of the Danish capital. The success is reconfirmed season after season proving that this event has become a reference point for those who love top quality wine and food products. Also this eight edition was supported by the Italian Embassy in Copenhagen, thus giving further proof to its relevance.

The Danish market

Strategic destination for the Piedmontese producers, Denmark is one of the countries where the Italian wine is better known and appreciated: the steady growth in demand (54% in the last seven years) has made Italy the leading wine exporter, ahead of France.

The 2016 edition

Unlike the previous editions, that of 2016 was concentrated in a single day, with the winning format proposed in the last seven years: a session reserved for trade and the other two for the general public, with in-depth thematic workshops to present the top quality food and wine production of Piedmont. On the evening before the event, as a preview, two wine dinners had been organized. Opened to the general public, they had been hosted at the elegant restaurant Maio and at the Italian biotrattoria Ché Fè, both in the centre of Copenhagen, with the best dishes of the Italian cuisine paired with great Piedmontese wines in the presence of producers and their local representatives.


Friday, June 3rd 2016:

11.00 / 14.30: “Walk Around Tasting” dedicated to professionals (importers, distributors, wine shops, restaurateurs, sommeliers, etc..) and some journalists of the sector.

15.30 / 17.45: “Walk Around Tasting” dedicated to the general public (first session).

18.15 / 20.30: “Walk Around Tasting” dedicated to the general public (second session).

Side events

17.15 / 18.15: Master Class “Wine&Food Moments” dedicated to the public of wine lovers, with tasting of 4 wines not showcased in the main hall, paired with the cheeses of Consorzio per la Tutela del formaggio Robiola di Roccaverano D.O.P., hazelnuts and products prepared with hazelnuts supplied by Corilanga and three Parma hams with three different levels of aging (18, 24 and 36 months) supplied by Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma.

Con il Patrocinio dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Copenaghen


FEASR Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale: l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali / Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 Sottomisura 3.2

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
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Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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