
New triumph for the Piedmontes wines in Geneva

Over than 400 participants, including professionals and wine-lovers, for the third edition of Barolo & Friends Event in Geneva

On 26th May around one hundred professionals of the sector and more than 300 Swiss wine-lovers packed the restaurant “La Fumisterie“ showing, once again, the true passion not only for the Piedmontese wines, but also for its food and whole territory.

The restaurant “La Fumisterie” of the Italian chef Mauro Parachini, become for the occasion a true “Casa Piemonte”, a Piedmontese “house”, hosted a great number of Genevan wine enthusiasts, who had the opportunity to taste the very best of the Piedmontese wine and food production, meet the producers and discover the main tourist and cultural attractions of the region.

The Genevan public’s appreciation for Italian food and Piedmontese wine is confirmed by the words of Mauro Parachini, owner of “La Fumisterie”: “The Genevans consider Piedmont as the main reference point for Italian wine and food production: the region is not far and can be easily reached even for a short break. Moreover, the Piedmontese wines are extremely renowned: besides the main denominations, like Barolo and Barbaresco, in the last few years, the market has opened to wines like Barbera and Arneis, which are rapidly spreading. Our customers are quite demanding, they prefer quality to quantity and consumers are mainly interested in discovering new products; for these reasons I think that an event like Barolo & Friends can be a great opportunity to promote wines that here are not well known, such as Gavi, Dolcetto etc. and allow new producers to enter a market where the labels of the most famous producers can already be found but where it is still possible to grow.

So, the Consortium “i Vini del Piemonte” decided to again propose the Barolo & Friends event in Geneva, with the aim of strengthening and promoting more and more the top quality wine productions of our region, taking advantage of the precious cooperation of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland and Accademia della Cucina Italiana. Moreover, to promote the event some Swiss bloggers will be involved.

Among the new additions of the 2014 edition, the Ethic Lottery: Adopt a Food Garden in Africa also lands in Geneva. It is a contest with prices organized by the Consortium “i Vini del Piemonte” to support the Slow Food project “10,000 Food Gardens in Africa”: the winners won trips to Piedmont, wine and food products, Slow Food publications, tickets for Salone del Gusto, the Taste Exhibition which takes place in Torino, and design objects Alessi, who supports the project with the Consortium.

Event programme

2.30pm-5.30pm Event dedicated to invited sector professionals: workshops and meetings between producers and importers, dealers, restaurateurs, representatives of the HO.RE.CA. system, journalists of the sector, etc.

15.30pm-9.00pm Opening to the public of wine lovers (upon payment of a ticket): “Casa Piemonte”, where it will be possible to meet the producers and taste the great Piedmontese DOC and DOCG labels; food area with the very best Italian food products and promotional desk to discover the main tourist and cultural attractions of Piedmont.

Side events

5.30pm-6.15pm and 6.45pm-7.30pm two laboratories “Wine & Food Moments” open to the public, to present the pairings between the Piedmontese top quality food productions and wines: four food products together with four wines, different from those already presented in the room. (18 places available for each lab).

8.00pm-8.45pm laboratory “Wine & Food Moments” Academy of Italian Cuisine reserved. (30 seats available).

Wine producers

Conterno Franco – Monforte d’Alba (CN)
Bussia Soprana Az. Agr. – Monforte d’Alba (CN)
Scarzello Giorgio e Figli – Barolo (CN)
Cantina del Nebbiolo sca – Vezza d’Alba (CN)
La Baretta – Fontanile (AT)
Cascina Galarin – Castagnole Lanze (AT)
Produttori di Govone SAC – Govone (CN)
Gigi Rosso – Castiglione Falletto (CN)
Cordara di Cordara Claudia – Castel Boglione (AT)
Casetta Fratelli – Vezza d’Alba (CN)
Tenuta Roletto – Cuceglio (TO)
Adriano Marco e Vittorio – Alba (CN)
Gomba S.S. Agricola – Barolo (CN)
Le Strette – Novello (CN)
Cordero di Montezemolo – La Morra (CN)
Castello di Gabiano – Gabiano (AL)
La Source – St. Pierre (AO)
La Crotta di Vegneron Coop. Agr. – Chambave (AO)

Food producers

Latteria di Cameri – Novara (NO)
Emozioni Italiane GmbH – Volketswil (CH)
Consorzio per la Tutela del formaggio Robiola di Roccaverano D.O.P. – Roccaverano (AT)
Riso Buono – az. Agr. Luigi e Carlo Guidobono Luchini – Casalbeltrame (NO)
Casamadaio – Castelcivita (SA)

I Vini del Piemonte
Viale Torino 18, 12051 Alba (CN)
+39 329 2422511
CF / P Iva: 03348050042

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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