
Barolo & Friends Event in Bern

On May 23rd, 2016 a new Swiss leg for the promotional consortium of top quality Piedmontese wines will be introduced.

Active in Switzerland for many years, the consortium of promotion I Vini del Piemonte has decided to further consolidate its presence in this strategic market, offering a new edition of the Barolo & Friends Event in Bern, capital of the Swiss Confederation and place of great interest for the Piedmontese wines.

The need to strengthen promotion in Switzerland originates from the fact that this is a very mature market for the wines of excellence and Piedmont has to deal with many other established competitors. Tasting initiatives are becoming increasingly frequent and therefore the ability to propose innovative eventsbecomes crucial.

Barolo & Friends of Bern has been held on Monday, May 23rd, 2016 from 2.00pm to 8.00pm, at the Hotel Schweizerhof with a session open only to sector professionals and one dedicated to Swiss wine lovers. The two sessions followed the “Walk Around Tasting” formula and both included a Master Class on a specific topic.

For the organization of this event, I Vini del Piemonte was supported by the agency Pressebüro B&T, which for several years has assisted promotional initiatives of Gambero Rosso both on the Swiss and the German market.

Event program

h 14.00-16.00 >> “Walk Around Tasting” reserved for professionals
h 16.00-20.00 >> “Walk Around Tasting” addressed to final consumers

h 16.00-17.00 >> Master Class for professionals:  “Ruchè, a wine for every pairing”, led by Nicola Mattana, Sommelier Eidg. FA.
h 18.00-19.00 >> Master Class for final consumers: “The Wines of Piedmont: the richness of its various expressions”, led by Nicola Mattana, Sommelier Eidg. FA.

I Vini del Piemonte
Via Cavour 26/A, 12060 Castiglione Falletto (CN)
Tel. +39 0173 787166, Fax +39 0173 328048
CF / P Iva: 03348050042, info@ivinidelpiemonte.com

Campagna finanziata ai sensi del reg. UE n. 1308/2013
Campaign financed according to EU regulation no. 1308/2013

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